I have created a snow monster!

Last year I pretty much bullied the boy into snowboarding. I bought him a jacket and a lesson and cajoled him into a weeks holiday. He loved it. You know what, I think he loved it more than I did. So much so that he has been discussing the next holiday for even longer than I have. I think he started thinking about it before we left resort!

The other week I found him in Quiksilver purchasing some immense ‘retro yellow’ board pants. Yesterday we spent the morning looking at snowboards and bindings for him – discussing things like where he’ll be using the board, and what will be best for him and graphics combo’s {nothing too wild and crazy though} and binding that may or may not match {Yay. I have taught him something} – with the man in TSA. 
But now it depresses me that his new board is going to be WAY better than Lola 🙁 
However, I am excited to get out my sticker pack – because you know it’s the ‘stickering’ of a board that matters the most right. Nothing screams beginner like a bad sticker policy! 

And to top it off he’s planning a boy’s trip after our snow trip – without me. The worst bit – the boys trip is with some of the boys I used to snowboard with. Gutted! 


  1. I tried converting my husband – a diehard surfer, who took his licks learning on the Gower – to snowboarding. He gamely gave it a go, and wasn't bad due to his natural board skills, but he's "over it" now. Over the lift ticket prices and the long lines.

    So now I have to balance my love of snowboarding with my desire to spend my winter weekends with him.

    You are a lucky girl. Shame about the boys weekend though.

  2. Ah, you Americans have your weekends snowboarding (i always avoided the hill on weekends when i lived in Mammoth)
    we have to take week trips to europe here as there is so little snow in the UK, but it does mean that there aren't the silly queues you get at the weekends for you guys.

    I am planning on finding some girlies friends and trying to get them snowboarding – either that or hijack the boys trip……

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