From the garden

Number 11 on my 32 things was to successfully grow some veg and fruit this year – I tried last year but the neighbours yard wall collapsed and left me with tomato plants that didn’t see any sunlight until mid July and gave me about 30 green tomatoes. Everything else was crushed under the weight of the bricks.

This year, even though the neighbours wall still looks like it might tumble down into our yard again in a light breeze, I thought I’d try again. We had raspberry and blackberry plants that had survived the winter and a rhubarb that was shooting back up, so earlier in the spring I planted strawberries, carrots, beetroot, beans and peas and courgette, and then beyond watering them regularly when it was sunny I figured I’d let nature take it’s course (read – I have no idea what I am doing so I left them alone)

But something strange happened to the berries – they grew, loads of teeny tiny berries started to appear and then they stayed tiny and went black and I figured that this would be a rubbish growing year. And then we went to Glastonbury. I left our neighbours with ‘if it’s hot please water’ instructions and thought nothing more about it. When we returned though the tomato plants had gone a little crazy, the bean plants had started holding them up too. But they looked happy, so I left them alone some more. And here’s what we’ve ended up with;

We have one courgette growing and 3 flowers. The carrots however, well, I think they needed more space. What do you think?

We have tomatoes. I spent last weekend hacking at the overgrown leafy mess and tying up the bunches. Every time I head outside now I find more little red cherry toms that taste like sweets, everytime I pop to the yard I come back with a handful. I’m astounded. We also have some larger (slightly deformed) still green ones – fingers crossed they turn red too. Oh, and we got some beetroot too. Only a few but it’s good enough for me.  

Fingers crossed, next year we’ll have a bigger house, with an actual garden to do some growing in.
Have you been growing this summer? If so, what’s your favourite thing to plant?


  1. We're just starting to pick tomatoes too. Your beetroot look great, we grew some a few years ago and they were about the size of a marble!

    1. Oh, don't you worry Jenny, there are a couple of marble sized beets too. Good luck with the tomato picking! x

  2. Oh man i'm so jealous you've been growing stuff! My parents tried growing courgettes one year and while it took an age for the first to appear it went to the extreme of having far far too many to know what to do with! Nothing tastes nearly as good as home grown tomatoes!

    1. Nothing smells as goo either. I just love them. I'm hoping the courgettes go mental – I feel a bit let down by them so far 😉 x

    1. Haha. I'm just planning what to do with them, beets and toms – at this rate it'll be tomato soup all winter!

      And don't we all love beats! x

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