BEDN – Ten Things

There’s a lot of stuff going on right now in my life, so I’m living by lists. They are all over the place. Seriously everywhere. Stored in google keep, written on post-it notes, in my work note book. I have lists for everything. 

Here is latest to-do list; 
What is on your to-do list?


  1. I'm a nightmare for writing lists a losing them – so I constantly have multiple lists on the go. I also kid myself that more stationary means more organisation – whereas it actually just means more opportunities to write and lose more lists! Bx

  2. Today my list is in order from 6am to 6pm. So far I am an hour ahead of schedule (so hopefully this means I can watch some catch up TV mid-afternoon!) x

  3. I'm all about lists – so much so my friend bought me a list book for my birthday. I also use todoist – which is great for reminders and deadlines and adding different projects, you should take a look.

    1. oooooh, i have a great martha todo list book myself. but i love a good online tool that'll remind me to do whatever is it i've forgotten i'm supposed to 😉 x

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