House Plans: The Master Bedroom Update

We’ve made a bit of a leap in out house plans this week – I have booked to have our windows replaced, which means we can start planning the room renovations we’ve been putting off until they got done! It’s a bit of a shame that we have to replace them as we have beautiful sash windows but they’re all painted shut, cold and it’s so expensive to fix sash windows…….but the replacement means I can crack on redecorating! 
And so, next in my sights is our bedroom.
First things first, our bedroom is massive. Its huge. I think it might be the biggest room in the house by a long way! It’s fitted out with some dodgy 80’s fitted wardrobes that don’t hold many clothes, horrible wallpaper and bad carpeting. And being a Victorian house it has a fireplace that was painted orange when we moved in! But I have my plans. Many plans and I am very excited for them!

For ages I’ve had me heart set of having a navy blue, coral and aqua bedroom, so that’s exactly what I am planning. I see a navy blue wall, with the other colours as accents – paired with some light grey or white, but probably a light grey. Knowing me.

I’ll also be ripping out the built in furniture and replacing it with something that gives us more useful space – hopefully a wall of wardrobes, re-plastering, re-carpeting, replacing the wooden fireplace with something more fitting to the room’s history. Creating a space that I love. Something a little more grown up but also a bit fun too. Well, that’s what I am hoping for any way!

So here is my inspiration board for the space that I want to create – mostly so I can show Jim a little of what’s in store for the room! But also mostly so I can get excited about it. 

All the products and images are linked to on my Pinterest board here
What do you think? And got any big house plans coming up? 

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